UPSC Mains-2019 – General Studies 1 Trend Analysis

UPSC Mains-2019 – General Studies 1 Trend Analysis

No Questions Why UPSC Asked this question?
01 Highlight the Central Asian and Greco -Bactrian elements in Gandhara art. (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Static Portion
02 The 1857 Uprising was the culmination the recurrent big and small local rebellions that had occurred in the preceding hundred years of British rule. Elucidate (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Major Reasons for the uprising in 1857.
  2. various rebellions during 1757-1857
03 Examine the linkages between 19th centuries ‘Indian Renaissance’ and the emergence of national identity. (Answer in 150 words)
  1. How National identity emerged in 19th century?
  2. Various reasons  such as –
  3. Bengal Renaissance:
  4. Socio-religious movements
  5. Social and political reforms
  6. Educational reforms , etc.
04 Assess the impact of global warming on coral life system with examples. (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Basic Geography question
  2. illustrate and assess with examples the impact of global warming on coral life.
05 Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their importance in maintaining coastal ecology. (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Basic and direct question
  2. Causes of depletion of mangroves and their importance in maintaining coastal ecology
06 Can the strategy of regional-resource based manufacturing help in promoting employment in India? (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Regional resource based manufacturing
  2. how employment can be generated through such manufacturing.
  3. Hint:
    1. Cotton industries
    2. Jute industries
    3. silk industries
    4. Iron Ore resources,etc
07 Discuss the factors for localization of agro-based food processing industries of North-West India. (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Punjab, Haryana -high agricultural production
  2. Haryana -high milk production
  3. Other examples of Agrarian states of North-West India ,etc
08 What makes Indian society unique in sustaining its culture? Discuss. (Answer in 150 words)
  1. idea of culture and its constituents
  2. salient features of Indian society
  3. its contribution towards sustaining its culture.
09 “Empowering women is the key to control population growth”. Discuss (Answer in 150 words)
  1. Basics about women empowerment
  2. problems of population growth
  3. How women empowerment will help in tackling population growth:
  4. Hint: 2017 Human Population projection report about India and China
  5. PM speech was in news-Highlighting seriousness of this issue
10 What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism (Answer in 150 words)
  1. About secularism
  2. Challenges can be-
    1. Intolerance and Violence
    2. Majoritarianism
    3. Radicalization
    4. Fundamentalism
11 Many voices had strengthened and enriched the nationalist movement during the Gandhian phase. Elaborate (Answer in 250 words)
  1. direct question about Gandhian phase of freedom struggle.
  2. the contributions of Madan Mohan Malviya (Nationalistic education system),
  3. Aurobindo Ghosh (Spiritualism and revolutionary movement,
  4. Subhash Chandra Bose ( Socialism and extremism) ,
  5. Tilak’s (Ganapati festival to bring masses into freedom struggle).
12 Assess the role of British imperial power in complicating the process of transfer of power during the 1940s. (Answer in 250 words)
  1. How British imperial power caused various troubles and hinders in transfer of powers to Indians during the 1940’s
13 Explain how the foundations of the modern world were laid by the American and French revolution. (Answer in 250 words)
  1. Basics about contribution of American revolution (18th century- 1775) and French revolution (18th century- 1789) 
14 What is water stress? How and why does it differ regionally in India? (Answer in 250 words)
  1. Basics about water scarcity
  2. Chennai is located on Bay of Bengal but still faces water scarcity
  3. Other places can be Vidarbha region and Shimla, etc.
15 How can the mountain ecosystem be restored from the negative impact of development initiatives and tourism? (Answer in 250 words)
  1. specific to mountain ecosystem,
  2. Impacts on Mountains from Landslides, Flash floods, Plastic wastes, invasion of alien species, monotype culture etc.
16 How is efficient and affordable urban mass transport key to the rapid economic development of India? (Answer in 250 words)
  1. related to rising problems of traffic congestion in urban areas
17 How do ocean currents and water masses differ in their impacts on marine life and the coastal environment? Give suitable examples? (Answer in 250 words)
  1. distinction between Ocean Currents and Water masses and their impacts on marine life and costal environment.
18 Do we have cultural pockets of small India all over the nation? Elaborate with examples (Answer in 250 words)
  1. different diversities present across India and also the underlying unity.
  2. Example: Gonds Tribes. Bhils Tribes. Santhal Tribes. Great Andamanese Tribes. Khasi Tribes. Garo Tribes.
  3. Linguistic diversity in India – 22 official languages
  4. Diversity with regard to cuisine, dressing, festivals
19 What are the continued challenges for women in India against time and space? (Answer in 250 words)
  1. problems faced by Indian Women over time (history) and space (geography)
20 Are we losing our local identity for the global identity? Discuss. (Answer in 250 words)
  1. Related to Globalisation
  2. Critical examination of the phenomenon of Globalisation

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